A Day I Want To Remember

Today is one of those days that I really don't want to forget. I woke up this morning and packaged an order that I sold this weekend... then I drove joey into work. On Mondays I often pick him up from work and we eat dinner at my moms so Tuesdays I drive him into work. We took the pup as we usually do and I remember thinking there was no way I would get everything done that I needed to get done. After I dropped him off I went right to the beauty supply to pick up the color I needed for my client today, followed by the post office to drop off my package and then to CVS to pick up my prescription. Made it home with enough time to get ready for work. As I was leaving for work I saw my father in law outside with the contractors as they were filling the footings with cement. One step closer to our dream home. I got to work with time to spare....

My client came in... we had a consultation last week but today was the first time I was ever going to do her hair. She was recommended to me by one of my regulars. Still she was nervous when she came in as she said she had been going to the same hair dresser for 14 years. We consulted one more time just to put her mind at ease before I started her color and cut. 

My phone had died before she got there so I was worried she would be uncomfortable with the silence from there not being any background music playing. That didn't matter since we talked the entire time... I felt like I knew her forever. I could tell she was the kind of person to not hold back on what she thought or felt. I liked her so much I was really hoping she would love her hair so that she would become one of my regulars. After her color and cut I blew out her hair and she was in love. She kept saying how the color was "so her" and that her hair felt so full and "I can't believe this is my hair". We talked about at home hair care and I asked her of she would mind if I put some hot rollers in her hair for extra body and movement. She was on board.... my biggest regret is that I don't have a before or after picture to show this fantastic hair transition... Because again, my phone had died before she got there. I am SO beyond thrilled with the way her hair turned out and I am even happier that she was beyond thrilled. This has got to be the most rewarding jobs.

I am serious when I say I have the best clients in the world and she falls right into that category! 

I hope you enjoyed this post and/or found it useful! To continue to show support for me and my efforts, check out my cruelty-free, woman-owned small business, made in the USA! https://www.roxdollcosmetics.com/
It's the hair, scalp, and skincare you DESERVE!


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