Outfit of the day! Cozy Overalls

The first Saturday of a new month is the perfect excuse to try something new on my blog! I have this dream to become a fashion blogger (among many other things, I'll never stop dreaming)... my problem has been the excuses I have come up with as to why I shouldn't just snap a picture of what I am wearing. I LOVE clothes, I sell clothes and naturally I wear clothes... why am I not just taking a picture of me in my outfits? Up until now I've found every excuse...
"It's too cold", "It's too sunny", I'm being lazy, "My Go Pro isn't charged", "We're doing construction", and of course, "I just can't find the time."
 I decided I need to just start somewhere because I am tired of convincing myself of all the excuses I can think of on the fly. So here goes. I snapped this picture the last day on vacation with my in laws. We were checking out of the hotel that day and I had just finished packing. I was looking in the mirror and I always do, with my phone in my hand and I snapped a picture. I DID IT! I did what I couldn't do for way too long. Truth be told, it was painless.

I would love to use this as an opportunity to plug my online retail business but the only thing I am wearing from my retail shop is my shirt,which I just sold out of the first day back from vacation! What are the odds? Here is the same shirt in red and blue in case you just have to have it!

The scarf is Calvin Klein and was given to my from my mom. She doesn't like when things are around her neck, so why on earth would she buy an infinity scarf, I don't know... but it worked out in my favor! It's one of my favorites!

The headband is from my mother in law, she gave each one of my sister in laws a headband before we left for vacation, this is the one I picked. It was a last minute decision to wear it with this outfit but I think it's adorable. Similar headbands can be found here, here and here!

The shoes, which you can barely see, are from Marshalls. These overalls are too long for me not to wear heels... or maybe I am just too short, I'm only 5'3"! Anyway, these are my new favorite shoes and they were only $29.99! I don't know if they still have them but here are a similar pair!

And the star of the show are them adorable overalls that I could never wear enough! I purchase these from TJMaxx to wear to my sister's surprise baby shower. I wore it with a cute, short sleeved, polka dot crop top... but this day it was way too cold for anything other than long sleeves! Since I purchase these about half a year ago, they no longer have them for sale but here is a similar pair!

When it comes to fashion I could go on and on. Today, I am relieved to have taken the first step in writing an occasional blog posts on fashion. I hope to make this a some what regular thing to post about. I just hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing!

Here is a link that might help your shopping!
If you shop through ebates you'll get a cash back percentage for some of the things listed! (crazy right?) If you sign up for ebates through my link http://bit.ly/1H0L3X3 we'll both earn some extra money!! Pass it along, your friends will thank you! :)

I hope you enjoyed this post and/or found it useful! To continue to show support for me and my efforts, check out my cruelty-free, woman-owned small business, made in the USA! https://www.roxdollcosmetics.com/

It's the hair, scalp, and skincare you DESERVE!


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